
Showing posts from June, 2018

How to fix google play service error

Is It Possible To Overcome Google Play Service Error  Google Play app has been used by almost all those who are accessing Android device. It may happen to you that if you open the Google Play Store, the service error appears to you. As you can’t fix this problem on your own, it is better if you reach the technical team. To contact experts, it would be better if you use helpline number. The number of bugs has been resolved by Google help desk. Here, you can find assistance to one: How to fix Google play service error? To solve this problem, it is required for you to update the Google Play services. If you are experiencing problems associated with Google Play services error or on the Google Play Store itself, it is required for you to go the given guidelines: By using the home screen of the Android device, it is required for you to go to the Google Play Store app on the Android device. There is need to tap the three-line menu button located at the top-left corner of the scr